An excellent location and professional signs for realty offices make a massive difference in the success of a company. In the case of the newest eXp Realty office, the client decided on a halo-illuminated building sign.

Halo Illuminated Reverse Pan Channel Building Sign

Getting Attention with a Halo Illuminated Reverse Pan Channel Building Sign

For this signage project, our technicians manufactured brand-centric letters using aluminum facts and returns. We closed the backs with clear polycarbonate to protect the LEDs. Next, we installed the pieces with standoffs, allowing the illumination to reflect off the wall. The result is a signage solution that bathes each letter in a glow of light after dark. The effect is stunning and gets attention.

Halo Illuminated Building Sign

Businesses Prefer Reverse Pan Channel Building Signage

The standard front-lit channel letter sign is taking a backseat for many companies looking for a refined, elegant display. And why not? A halo-illuminated reverse pan channel building sign is fully customizable and looks great on virtually any facade. We have done quite a few projects proving this point.

Signs For Realty Offices

By the way, did you know that illumination is optional for reverse pan letters? Clients who appreciate the display’s three-dimensional character but do not need nighttime illumination find that these are the ideal solutions for the building facades.

Alternatives to a Halo Illuminated Building Sign

Despite the popularity of the reverse pan channel building sign, there are plenty of other options, too. Examples include front-lit channel letters, three-dimensional letters crafted from acrylic, metal, PVC, or outdoor-rated sign foam as well as lightbox cabinets. Moreover, we can mix and match sign designs to create a unique brand presentation that displays your corporate identity to its fullest advantage.

Reverse Pan Channel Building Sign

Are you happy with the way your current building sign brands your company? Are you opening a new office and need a product that helps you stand out? Maybe you need innovative signs for realty offices and have not yet found what works for you. We can help. Call us today to discuss the project!