Storage facilities are excellent for storing RVs, boats, and other items that simply do not fit into garages. Ameripark Covered Storage does business in the Phoenix area and contacted our team to discuss the design, production, and installation of a formed plastic letter entrance wall sign.

Formed Plastic Letter Entrance Wall Sign

An Entrance Wall Sign Boosts Wayfinding Assistance for Customers

The client wanted to improve visibility for their storage facility and boost their branding. Our specialist suggested using formed plastic letters to create colorful dimensional signage with a professional look. The signage displays the corporate color palette, which is ideal for brand building. Finally, installation on the entrance wall makes the three-dimensional letters highly visible even from a distance away.

Plastic Letters For Outdoor Signs

Advantages of 3D Formed Plastic Letter Building Signs

You want to catch passersby’s attention. Among the options available, 3D-formed plastic letter building signs stand out as a versatile and effective choice. These signs, crafted from durable material and formed with precision to display the needed font, offer a host of advantages that elevate them above traditional signage solutions. From enhancing visibility to fostering brand recognition, the benefits of opting for 3D-formed plastic letter signs are manifold.

For example, these signs command attention with their three-dimensional presence. Unlike flat signs, which may blend into the background, 3D letters project outward, creating depth and dimension. This physical prominence makes them highly visible from a distance, ensuring that passersby cannot overlook them. Whether mounted to the façade of a building or installed on an entrance wall, these signs are impossible to miss.

Besides that, plastic’s versatility allows for a wide range of design possibilities. 3D-formed plastic letters can be custom molded into virtually any shape or size, offering unparalleled flexibility in sign creation. From sleek and modern fonts to whimsical and elaborate designs, the aesthetic possibilities are limitless. This versatility makes it possible to tailor the signage to suit the unique branding and identity of any business, creating a cohesive and impactful visual presence.

Formed Plastic Letters Building Sign

Plastic Sign Letters are Durable

In the Phoenix area, signage durability is critical. This is also a key advantage of 3D-formed plastic letter signs. Constructed from high-quality materials, the letters withstand the elements and maintain their appearance over time. They do not degrade or corrode when exposed to moisture or sunlight. Plastic letters are resistant to fading, cracking, and warping. This resilience ensures that the signage remains vibrant and legible, extending its lifespan and maximizing its value as a long-term investment.

Invest in a Low-Maintenance Formed Plastic Letter Entrance Wall Sign

Plastic letter signs require minimal upkeep to preserve their appearance. Unlike signs made from materials that require regular painting or refinishing, plastic letters can be easily cleaned with soap and water, ensuring that they retain their original luster with minimal effort. It is another reason why our clients love these signage solutions.

What could you do with formed plastic letters? Call us today to find out!