When a company relocates its offices, one of the essential elements of the move is the installation of a new lobby sign. A good example is the Golden Memorial Insurance Agency, which recently asked our shop to design, produce, and install one of our custom metal logo signs for insurance companies.

An Elegant Flat-Cut Metal Sign Greets Customers at the New Office

For this product, we began the project with quarter-inch-thick flat-cut metal. Our technicians custom-cut the pieces following the agency’s specs. Moreover, we ensured the pieces would fit perfectly on the focal wall.

Custom Metal Logo Signs for Insurance Companies

With the pieces cut, we could add the brushed metallic finishes. Bronze and gold combine with the blue paint from the corporate palette. The finished sign is chic, perfectly centered on the indicated wall’s surface, and expertly encapsulates the insurance company’s brand message.

Fade-Resistant Metal Signs Get Attention

One of the main reasons for selecting metal is the material’s durability. Should you ever change your corporate color palette, adjusting the sign is as easy as having us repaint the individual pieces. However, there are additional reasons for choosing metal over acrylic or sign foam.

For many clients, the choice of metal allows the integration of a brand-friendly material such as copper, stainless steel, Cor-Ten steel, or aluminum. Fabricated letters let you select a presentation with rounded or prismatic facings. If you opt for logo boards, you might also pick out metal composites.

Dimensional Metal Logo Signs Allow for Illumination

One of the latest trends in lobby signage is the addition of lighting to a 3D product. Examples include metal cabinets with built-in LEDs, letters installed with standoffs to accommodate hidden light sources behind them, and the installation of a spotlight. That said, you might also take advantage of the illumination already part of your office space.

Custom Metal Logo Signs

In this case, we might mount one or more elements with standoffs to heighten the three-dimensional appeal by casting a shadow. In the case of the client’s product, you will notice that the nearby light source does precisely that. We added a matte finish to the style elements to prevent glare from the light.

Other Material Choices for Lobby Signs

What happens if you are uncertain that a metallic product works for you? You do not have to commit right away. We gladly show you other materials that might be more what you were looking for. Examples include 3D letters made from acrylic or even sign foam. Both materials are fully customizable.

In addition, sign foam could be the best option if you have been thinking of going big. Not only does it not add too much weight to your wall, it also lets us cut pieces to depths of more than an inch or two. Typically, acrylic and metal are not cut beyond an inch in thickness.

Whether you know you want a product like the custom metal logo signs for insurance companies we have discussed, or you are thinking of another material, we can help. Call us today to discuss your product order!