The HVAC Company does business at 3120 West Carefree Highway. It focuses its services menu on the commercial space, making this business a highly sought-after mechanical services contractor. When this business needed brand-focused acrylic panel lobby signs in Phoenix, AZ, the management team connected with our shop.

A Minimalist Design Brings out the Industrial Good Look of the Corporate Persona

Acrylic Panel Lobby Signs in Phoenix AZ

Our technicians worked with the client on the design of a panel product. Because the focus was the mechanical and industrial look of the brand message, we began with an acrylic board. It displays the company’s logo in its brand colors.

Look closely, and you notice that we installed the product with standoffs that lack the traditional caps. Instead, we used a hex nut to mount the panel. It is an excellent style element that underscores the brand message’s industrial feel. The final product is a successful contribution to the company’s branding and greets customers with style.

Using the Lobby Sign to Aid the Brand Story

HVAC Company Lobby Signs in Phoenix AZ

For some companies, the lobby sign is the first time that the customer sees the corporate persona. For others, a different signage product introduced the consumer to the company’s branding. Therefore, it is essential that a well-done lobby sign can begin or continue a brand story.

This story focuses attention on what sets you apart from the competition. In the case of The HVAC Company, the brand embraces industrial chic. It directly highlights that its mission is to work with the commercial sector rather than residential customers.

Your brand story might be something different. Perhaps you would prefer to appeal to the residential sector. Another design consideration is the age of your ideal customer persona. Our graphic artist will gladly assist you with designing a signage solution that is ideal for encapsulating your brand message.

Considering Materials

Lobby Signs for Contractors in Phoenix AZ

This particular sign used clear acrylic for the panel design. You might prefer something different. Some clients favor metal to acrylic panel lobby signs in Phoenix, AZ. Metal is chic and comes in a tremendous amount of varieties. Choose from brass, bronze, aluminum, steel, or pick a metallic color you favor, and we use it to paint a standard aluminum board.

Board Versus 3D Letters

Contractor Lobby Signs in Phoenix AZ

Another decision point is the selection between a board and a 3D letter display. Letters are fantastic when you want to cover a large surface. They also lend themselves to the design of pronounced three-dimensional displays. For example, if you select sign foam, it is possible to make letters with a depth of up to three inches. Heighten the perception by adding acrylic or metallic laminates.

Because the brand message is so vital in the design and fabrication of a lobby sign, it is not something you can leave to chance. When you already have a presentation you favor, we gladly work with it. If you are unsure that your current design is working for you, let our graphic artist offer input. Call us today to get started on your next lobby sign project!