Situated in the Prado Estates in north Scottsdale, Brett Hardt has created a basketball facility that is open to players from all over the world. If the Hardt name sounds familiar, then you are undoubtedly aware of the Attitude is Free campaign, which he started in 2010. Its goal is to assist people to focus actively on the development of a positive attitude. When this firm needed help with brand-centric wall graphics in Scottsdale, AZ, the management contacted us to assist with the project.

Outfitting the Walls of a Basketball Court with Brand-Specific Images

Logo Wall Graphics in Scottsdale AZ

We worked with the team to create a visually welcoming yet brand-specific presentation of the Attitude is Free campaign. Wall graphics were the ideal tool because they are suitable for placement on a gym’s walls. Besides that, they allowed for the introduction of a complementary color scheme.

Unlike three-dimensional signage products, which could get damaged during basketball play, these wall graphics remain in place and unfazed by the occasional ball that heads their ways. Best of all, these wall graphics are superior due to their lack of sizing restraints. Therefore, we were able to create the printed vinyl for the long wall of the court as well as the much narrower display of an overhang.

Basketball Wall Graphics in Scottsdale AZ

Now, as basketball players come to use the court, they are greeted by the messages and take in what it means to have a positive attitude.

Setting the Stage for Your Customers’ Experiences with Murals and Wall Graphics

Wall Graphics in Scottsdale AZ

The Attitude is Free campaign is one in a long list of companies that are catching on to the reliable branding power that vinyl graphics bring to the table. In addition to being budget-friendly signage products that can underscore marketing or brand-building messages, they also assist with creating a visually pleasing atmosphere.

Not surprisingly, you find that more and more retailers, gym owners, and even office managers are requesting the design of custom wall graphics. In the restaurant business, they are ideally suited for creating an ambiance that underscores a menu as well as a brand with colors and shapes. In retail, custom prints support product lines and seasonal displays. In an office, you might notice that wall graphics become murals, which tell a firm’s history and significant aspects of the brand’s development.

All of these products have one thing in common: consumer engagement. The business owner uses vinyl wall graphics as a way to engage the consumer in a brand conversation. Frequently, it begins with the display of a name. Typically, it continues to feature a logo and supporting lettering. In some cases, there will also be compelling pictures that go along with the text.

What it Takes to Order Wall Graphics for Basketball Courts, Stores, Offices, and Other Business Locations

Wall Graphics for Gyms in Scottsdale AZ

Our graphic artist gladly works with clients who already have their pictures selected and lettering put together. That said, this does not have to describe your business. We can create your visual campaign from the ground up. Even if you do not yet have a logo, our team can assist with its design. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!