Plumbing Medic is one of our first clients. Our specialists designed the company’s initial wrap and handled subsequent rebrandings. Over the last few months, we rewrapped the company’s fleet of 53 vehicles, including trucks, vans, and box trucks. What were the secrets behind the initial successful vehicle wraps that helped the business grow, rebrand, and keep adding new vehicles to its fleet? We narrowed it down to five distinctive elements.

Vehicle Wraps

1. The Design is Everything

The design of a vehicle wrap is the most critical aspect of its success. A poorly designed wrap fails to attract attention. Therefore, a successful vehicle wrap should have a clear message, easy-to-read text, and striking graphics that grab the viewer’s attention. The design is consistent with the brand’s visual identity and conveys it compellingly.

Successful Vehicle Wraps

2. It Starts with High-Quality Images

Images are a powerful tool for vehicle wraps. High-quality graphics catch the viewer’s eye. In contrast, low-resolution images can appear blurry and unappealing. It’s essential to use crisp, clear, and visually engaging photos. Most importantly, they must be sufficiently unique to differentiate the company from its competitors.

3. Successful Vehicle Wraps Keep It Simple

A partial or full vehicle wrap should be easily read and understood quickly. A cluttered and complicated design can be overwhelming to the eye. The message is simple, concise, and to the point. Remember that a clear, straightforward message will likely be remembered and acted upon.

 Vehicle Wraps

4. Wraps Use Bold Colors to Their Advantage

Color is essential for a successful vehicle wrap. Bold and bright colors can make a wrap stand out. Obviously, the colors should be consistent with the brand’s visual identity. We use contrasting colors for text and graphics to make them pop and increase readability whenever possible. That said, there is a time and place for monochromatic wraps. These require special attention to detail, integrating gradient color changes and possible subliminal print images.

5. Great Wraps Involve the Vehicle’s Shape and Size

The vehicle’s shape and size should be considered when designing a wrap. A successful wrap fits the vehicle’s contours and emphasizes its features. It informs the placement of text and graphics to ensure they are visible and readable from different angles. Most importantly, our expert graphic artist ensures that windows or doors cut off none of the messages.

Top 5 Secrets of Successful Vehicle Wraps

Of course, the materials used for a vehicle wrap are just as important. High-quality vinyl and ink make the wrap look great and let it last for a long time. Inferior materials fade, peel, or crack, making the product look unprofessional and unappealing. For this reason, Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions only uses top-shelf vinyl and inks.

Are you ready to see what successful vehicle wraps would look like for you? Our graphic artist specializes in putting together visually compelling products that cannot help but turn heads. We use your graphics or select stock images that perfectly encapsulate your brand message and pique the consumer’s interest in your company and its products or services. Call us today to set up an appointment!