Whether you need new kitchen cabinets, attractive floor options, or are in the market for a complete bathroom redo, Sanels Wholesale Cabinets is the name to know. When the company was outfitting its showroom at 2121 South Power Road, the management team asked our shop to transform the location’s windows into effective product advertisements with perforated window wraps in Mesa, AZ.

Picture It! Perforated Window Graphic Set the Scene

Customers in search of a new kitchen or bathroom fixtures need to be able to picture the setups. While the interior showroom offers plenty of opportunities to do so, the client determined that involving the windows is a fantastic way of reeling in foot traffic.

Perforated Window Wraps In Mesa AZ

For this project, our technicians would work around the glass panel frames. The glass extends from floor to ceiling. Because scenes would extend over multiple panels next to the door, our technicians had to measure carefully. It would allow the scenes to look right, even with the dividers.

Next, we printed four scenes from the client’s high-resolution images. They feature gorgeous settings that are inviting and give passersby the chance to dream about the next upgrades their homes could undergo. The final part of the project was the design, production, and installation of a tenant panel for an existing monument sign.

Perforated Window Graphics In Mesa AZ

Why Choose Perforated Window Graphics in Mesa, AZ?

Perforated vinyl features minute holes. From the outside, you do not notice them. Instead, you see the images that we printed on that side of the vinyl. However, from the inside, you can see out. It prevents a showroom from feeling boxed in. Similarly, it allows natural light to stream into the location, dramatically boosting the overall atmosphere.

Window Wraps vs. Window Graphics

While we have been using the terms perforated window graphics and wraps interchangeably, there are some differences. Window wraps refer to a product that covers the entirety of the glass. In contrast, window graphics may consist of a few decals or numerals that identify business hours.

It is important to note that we can also manufacture window graphics using perforated vinyl. Frequently, doing so is a good choice when you want to maximize the amount of sunlight that comes into your location. It is also a good idea when your front space is a waiting room, and you want to allow customers to see outside.

Window Wraps

How to Buy Your Next Set of Perforated Window Wraps in Mesa, AZ

Whether you need perforated or solid vinyl, wraps or graphics, Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions can assist you with all aspects of the project. Our technicians usually see these projects through from inception to final installation. That said, we can also help with other parts.

For example, did you know that we do third-party installations for window wraps or graphics that you may have received from an advertising firm or corporate office? Call us today to learn more about your options!