Please note that Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions is the one-stop-shop that provides COVID-19 signs for businesses at this time. If you operate an essential business in or around Gilbert, Chandler, Scottsdale, Mesa, and Phoenix, AZ, we can assist you with your most pressing sign needs. Our team follows all social distancing rules currently in place when delivering or installing products; moreover, we offer curbside pickup for self-install signage.

The coronavirus pandemic is changing the ways that companies do business. Your customers interact with you in new ways. For some, this means unforeseen additions to their services menus. For others, there are new products on the shelves. Most importantly, you seek to educate employees and customers alike on how to remain safe. With the right COVID-19 signage product, you can do so with ease.

Explain Social Distancing to Customers with Bilingual Signage

COVID 19 Signs in Gilbert AZ

Brief, to the point, and relevant to the way you do business now, these aluminum signs are ideally suited for display in your lobby, entryway, or even outside. In the past, your customers stood in line and waited for the next available cashier or service representative.

Now, many AZ retailers are reconfiguring their checkouts and service departments. Explaining how it works to first-time guests is essential for the consumer to feel comfortable with the rapidly changing situation. The signage is durable, features English and Spanish instructions, and displays blue, white, and black colors. You might also commission a sign that focuses on red tones.

Review the New Etiquette of Doing Business

COVID 19 Stop the Spread of Germs Sign in English and Spanish

Essential businesses must keep employees and customers safe. Our team recommends the installation of “Stop the Spread of Germs” signs that are available as aluminum boards with rounded corners. Opt for red, white, and black color play. Replace the red color with blue if you prefer.

These signs are bilingual and discuss hand-washing, close contact warnings, and face touching recommendations. They echo the information that local authorities have been releasing regularly.

Remind Employees and Customers to Wash Hands to Slow COVID-19 Spread

COVID 19 Washing Hands Signs in Gilbert | Chandler | Scottsdale AZ

You are already familiar with the hand-washing signs that restaurants put in their restrooms. They urge employees to wash their hands before returning to their workstations. With the advent of the coronavirus, hand-washing must now follow hospital guidelines to be effective.

You might choose English, Spanish, or a bilingual signage product to display on walls or near sinks. Choose a color scheme that underscores your interior décor, branding, or is designed to catch the attention of those using your facilities.

Other Must-Have COVID-19 Signs for Businesses

So far, we have provided you with an overview of signage solutions that communicate changes and provide instructions. They can be instrumental in making the customer feel at ease in your establishment. However, you do not have to limit yourself to these signage products alone.

COVID 19 A Frame Pick up Signs

Many of our restaurant clients have had excellent success with A-frame/sidewalk signs that highlight their new curbside pickup or takeout options. Besides that, you might also use post and panel signs as wayfinding tools when you offer drive-through amenities in the back parking lot. Contact us today to learn more about your options and get the signage you need now!