The Lemon and Pear Tree Apartments invite prospective residents to visit the location at 1750 South Alma School Road. Attractive amenities combine with the availability of long and short-term leases. When the venue underwent a rebranding, the management team worked with our sign shop on the design of exterior signs for apartment complexes in Mesa, AZ.

Post and Panel Signage Impresses with a New Look

Exterior signs for apartment complexes in Mesa AZ

The apartments’ identification signs are placed along a corner intersection. It provides maximum visibility to drivers and pedestrians. We designed two panels that we installed in a V shape. The signs’ panels and posts are painted in a color that matches the apartment complexes. The fronts feature the highly visible print identifying the names of the locations. It is an excellent way for prospective tenants to notice their future apartment homes.

Which Exterior Signs Do Apartment Buildings Need?

Have you recently undergone a rebranding of the buildings you manage? Maybe you are taking over new properties that need a visual upgrade. Our sign shop can help.

  • Monument signs. The most visible signage is the monument. It alerts passersby to your location. For many building management companies, these signs are among the first ones they select for an upgrade.
  • Building signs. A large number of apartment buildings have names. Displaying the name is an excellent way of generating brand recognition of your property. If you recently began managing the facilities, the display of the name signals a change. Many business owners like sign foam or PVC for these signs.
  • Flags and banners. Are you running a tenant referral program? Do you offer move-in specials? Draw attention to the property with eight-foot flags and building banners. They are durable, feature the complex’s colors, and store well for future use.
  • Building numbers. If there are multiple buildings on your property, it makes sense to number them, assisting emergency personnel with locating the right apartment when needed. We typically recommend sign foam for these projects.
  • Door numbers. Support the overall atmosphere of the location with stylish door numbers. Opt for flat-cut metal or acrylic. For a little more pizzazz, consider fabricated metal or plastic, which allows for the incorporation of rounded edges and prismatic faces.

Work with Our Sign Shop on Suitable Exterior Signs for Apartment Complexes in Mesa, AZ

Apartment Complex Exterior Signs in Mesa AZ

What signage solutions would be suitable for your location? If you are considering a complete rebranding, we gladly assist you with the design of new signage. In contrast, if you are thinking of making small changes to a font or color palette, we can help, too. Moreover, our team will gladly help you choose materials that work well for your area.

If necessary, we can add anti-graffiti laminates that protect the investment in the new signage you make. Should a sign get tagged, your crew can remove the scribbles with a soft rag and a cleaning solution. Doing so ensures that your apartments make an excellent impression on the prospective renter.

Contact our sign shop today to discuss your signage needs!