Do locals know about your restaurant but always seem to be surprised to learn that you also cater? Are you a new catering business that needs to hit the ground running to take on the established caterers? Your best exposure comes with vehicle wraps for catering companies in Phoenix.

Plenty of Options for Exposure

Since you spend a fair amount of time on the road, it makes sense to treat your vehicle with a catering truck wrap. Whether you pick up supplies, make deliveries or simply drive around town for other reasons, consumers see your vehicle-based message. Memorable tag lines, mouthwatering graphics and easy to memorize phone numbers ensure that hungry customers find you.

Anatomy of a Successful Wrap

Colorful designs are your best bet. They should be in line with the type of catering menu you offer. For example, a Mexican restaurant could choose a yellow (queso) or green (chile) background. For a barbecue rib joint, consider the use of red (sauce) or flames (grill). This imagery sets the tone for the other graphics as well as the wording.

Display the name of your company with its logo. This is of particular importance if you also operate a restaurant or food truck alongside your catering outfit. Next, we recommend the use of digital images of your most famous dishes. Whatever it is that your customers rave about on Yelp and similar rating sites, add it to your graphics lineup. This creates easy branding and name recognition.

Wrapping Multiple Vehicles

Most catering companies operate a van that takes orders to the various locations. That said, consider also the opportunity of wrapping a car or even scooter. Although you may not use these vehicles for deliveries, they are associated with the business and therefore useful for advertising the company. Our graphic artists easily adapt any wrap and graphics package to fit across numerous makes and models as well as vehicle types.

Less Expensive than a Billboard (and more effective)

Studies prove that a vehicle wrap is one of the least expensive marketing methods out there. For example, did you know that a magazine ad costs about $21 for 1,000 impressions? You can get the same 1,000 impressions with a wrap for $0.35. This makes a huge difference. Next, consider the duration of the exposure. The wrap lasts you about five years. The magazine ad may last a month – maybe. A billboard, which used to be a favorite marketing tool of caterers, only addresses the motorists that travel past it. If this does not include your target demographic, you lose out.

Call Us to Discuss Your Wrap Today

When you are ready to talk about vehicle wraps for catering companies in Phoenix, the graphic artists at Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions are ready to listen. We work with you to create an attractive look that shows off your dishes and catering business in their best light. Let us help you treat one vehicle, two or an entire fleet that is associated with your restaurant. Call us today to get started on your order.