Local business owners understand the importance of exterior illuminated signs in Gilbert, AZ. These products install to the façade of the company’s building, act as wayfinding tools for consumers and offer branding as well as marketing functionalities. Of course, there are different signage solutions. One size most certainly does not fit all in this situation. What are your options?

Channel Letters Appeal to Companies with Recognizable Fonts

When your font is one of the most recognizable features associated with your corporate persona, channel letters are the ideal signage solution. They display your company’s name in the font that makes you stand out. Combined with the integration of your business’s colors, this signage solution can be as big or small as the traffic speed in front of your venue indicates.

Light Box Cabinets Present Affiliations

If your business is reputation driven, then lightbox cabinets are a perfect display setup. For starters, the cabinet can present with a basic geometric shape or show off a customized look such as your logo’s form. Secondly, the facing allows for the display of more than just your company’s name. Car dealerships, in particular, like to rely on cabinet signage to show off its professional affiliations with a manufacturer. Other enterprises that benefit from this signage are physicians’ offices, clinics, manufacturers, and insurers.

Pylon Signs Guide Consumers to Clustered Retailers and Service Providers

Pylons come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The majority of these signs are tall, feature multiple tenant panels for mall setups and allow each business to display its company name alongside the other businesses. Management companies stipulate the types of displays that they will permit for the pylon signs. Often, your panel is limited to the presentation of your business’s name in its particular colors. At other times, the only thing that sets you apart from other tenants is the look of your font. With the pylon lit after dark, your company’s name displays prominently and allows consumers to locate you quickly at your strip mall location.

Cabinet Monument Signs are the Alternative to Pylons for Standalone Businesses

If you are doing business out of a standalone site, you do not need a pylon. A monument sign with a cabinet accomplishes a similar goal. Did you know that it is possible to get quite creative in this setting? For example, more and more businesses select a slim cabinet that sits atop a brick and mortar base. Sometimes the cabinet comes in a slanted design to give the sign an unusual look that immediately grabs the eye. At other times, it takes on the shape of the company’s logo.

Ordering Illuminated Signs for Gilbert, AZ, Businesses

If you are unsure which signage solution is the right one for your business, contact our professionals for assistance. We gladly visit your location, take measurements, gauge traffic speed, and inventory the signage chosen by your competition. During our consultation, we can give you suggestions concerning illuminated signage that would look great at your location, help you to stand out and enhance your branding message like no other product. Contact us today to get started.