Do you need something that dresses up your medical office? If you are working with plenty of glass, we can help you enhance the ambiance of your clinic, office or health care center with little more than vinyl window graphics for doctors’ offices. Chandler, AZ, health care professionals understand that modern patients appreciate an avant-garde and contemporary appearance to these venues. While the cost of most upgrades could be a concern, the fact that vinyl is relatively inexpensive makes this one beautification project that you can feel good about undertaking now. What are your options?

Asklepian staff

The staff with the one snake is the traditional symbol of the Greek god Asclepius. Tasked with healing and medicine, this symbolism is still alive and well in the United States. In fact, it is an international symbol of professionals dedicated to the healing arts, and if your practice caters to a largely international clientele, this symbol – placed as an etched vinyl window graphic on your clinic’s door glass or windows – easily advertises your office and its function.

Privacy Strips

If you are a cosmetic surgeon whose office is located in an upscale suburban mall setting, add etched vinyl privacy stripes that obscure the appearances of patients currently waiting for treatment or checking out. It is not necessary to cover the entire glass pane; rather, consider adding a two-foot tall stripe along the lengths of the windows.

Decorative Touches

Etched vinyl – cut in thin strips – can beautify the appearance of any glass surface. A double line heightens the visual appeal. Large glass panes may also benefit from a treatment with geometric shapes and other graphics that helps the eye to visually take in the large surface.

Classy Surface Covers.

If you want to go for the gusto, consider a whole-door or window treatment with a vinyl product that mimics one of multiple etched appearances. Unless you are standing right in front of the door and touching it, the glass looks as though it was actually etched by the manufacturer.

By the way, vinyl lettering works perfectly with etched vinyl window graphics. For medical offices Chandler, AZ, health care professional operate, this lettering might spell out the clinic’s name, contact information and hours of operation. Many of our clients have found it useful to have this information cut out of the vinyl sheets that are producing the etched look. Others have added additional lettering – frequently in darker colors – to keep the illusion of an actually etched glass surface alive.

Getting started on your order is simple. Call our friendly window graphics experts today for more information. We visit your health care office for a site evaluation and take measurements of the glass surfaces. Next, we discuss your vision for the etched glass look. Perhaps you want to treat some interior glass surfaces to mimic the appearances of window surfaces on the outside. We are now well equipped to prepare some proofs that show what the finished product will look like. When you are satisfied that we have captured your vision, we manufacture and professionally install the product.