Back in 2017, our team collaborated with Cognizant on wall murals for its lobby and training rooms locally. Not too long ago, the company rebranded. When it came time to rebrand with wall murals, the client knew our team could handle the project – in Plano, TX!

Multiple Wall Murals

Cognizant Outfits Its Corporate Office with Multiple Wall Murals

Located at 8383 Dominion Parkway in Plano, Cognizant’s corporate office needed multiple wall murals with its logos throughout the space. Could we handle this project—even though our service area does not extend to Texas? You bet!

We discussed the new branding with the client and received the color specs. Next, our graphic artist designed and sized the graphics and lettering so they would look perfectly in place. We then proceeded to print the graphics on our late-model equipment. While this was happening, our office staff connected with a vetted Plano graphics installer to handle the installation.

Our shop sent the graphics to the local installer, who did an excellent job putting up the murals and graphics. The client was happy with the ease of the transaction.

Printing Vinyl Wall Graphics

Third-Party Sign Printing and Installing is a Service We Offer!

Our team has developed close business relationships with trusted sign shops across the nation. This enables us to work with our local clients, who also have offices or branches elsewhere in the nation. Clients like that they can work with a sign company they have grown to trust.

It is interesting to note that this is a two-way street. We have met plenty of local clients whom we met when we provided third-party installation services to their local sign shops. We gladly receive the signage that your local company has produced. Or, if you prefer, send us the specs, and our team will print out the products.

As a result, Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions is a full-service sign shop for any franchise. Because franchise agreements differ, our team is flexible to meet your requirements. Whether you are introducing a brand to the Arizona market or are ready to grow into other locations, we can help!

Rebrand With Wall Murals

Work with the Sign Specialists

Our team offers a full-service sign experience. Depending on your needs, we design, produce, and install the products. That said, we can also work with the specs you already have. If you are still determining which signage type is right for your location or want some input on the graphics setup, we will gladly help. No project is too large or too small. And, as we have shown today, no project is too far away for us to assist you with the signage you need.

Call our team to learn more about your options. Get started on your next signage project today!