Chandler High School is one of the local educational facilities we have done work for previously. When the institution celebrated its 100th year, we designed, manufactured, and installed a new marquee sign for the venue. We also put up new sponsorship banners and a scoreboard after the football team won its first state football championship since 1949. When the administration called us this time, it was to discuss the design, manufacture, and installation of eye-catching wall murals for schools in Chandler, AZ.

Two Murals Bespeak the School’s Spirit

Images of the Chandler Wolves are in evidence. One wall mural focuses on the multi-faceted education students enjoy. There are mentions of technology, the jazz band, advanced placement, and similar academic information. The second display focuses primarily on athletics. It features multiple types of athletes, the wolf pack symbol, and a strong emphasis on the football team. Both products show off what the school is all about. But they also highlight the programs and opportunities that make it a great experience for students, their parents, and for the community. In a very real way, these murals encourage participant and brand at the same time.

What Could Your School’s Mural Say about the Venue?

If you have been thinking of dressing up the walls at your educational facility, why reach for the same boring paint bucket that you have relied on for the last overhaul? Instead, create a vibrant display that pulls in the students and communicates a vision for their educational, athletic, and artistic successes. In fact, you might find that some of the lesser known programs and clubs generate a lot more interest simply because the murals get people talking about them.

Because you also want to ensure that parents are on board, consider the murals as a way of encouraging involvement on the volunteer level. Why not alert parents to the need for active assistance in some parts of the program that may not be running as well as they could? Just as students may not have been aware of some of the programs you offer, parents may also not realize that there are additional volunteer opportunities rather than just those that they have been familiar with so far.

Boosting the message of your mural does not have to be difficult. We recommend the display of decals and floor stickers in other parts of the school, which have a direct tie-in to the mural itself. You might even encourage participation in new courses and teams simply by posting floor graphics that ask open-ended questions about trying new things, being the first to be on a team, and so on.

Does Your Facility Need Wall Murals for Schools in Chandler, AZ?

This time around, we worked with the high school to meet the need for an excellent brand message. But did you know that wall murals are just as functional for preschools, daycare center, elementary schools, and any other facility where young learners meet up? These products are welcoming, foster pride in the school, and can be ideally suited to support educational endeavors throughout the day.

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