Summer is the time for barbecue extravaganzas, clothing sales and deep discounts on back-to-school shopping. It is a time when Americans celebrate, travel and rediscover the backyard. In short, it is a premier marketing opportunity for retailers and service providers. Do you have your sidewalk signs for Gilbert, AZ advertising campaigns and branding opportunities ready to go? No? Here is what you are missing out on:

  • Daily deal notices. Do your customers know what product is a hot item today? Do they know that every Throwback Thursday you price one (or more) thing(s) in your store at the same rate as you did when you first opened your doors? How about the Taco Tuesday attitude that offers specials on combined purchases? As you might imagine, the possibilities for putting an A-frame to work during the week are almost endless!
  • Product information. This is the time when some locals will purchase items that they never bought before. Summer is a great time to try out a new grill, a new appliance, a new consumer convenience or even just a new clothing option. Help your buyers by outlining some of the highlights of the items that they might select from your store. The A-frame makes it possible to display detailed depictions of products with informative little text blurbs. Consumers will step closer to read the information. From there, it is only a short step into your store.
  • Seasonal events. End-of-summer clearance and back-to-school shopping are probably the two biggest retail occasions that you experience in the summer. Advertise well in advance of the actual event. Otherwise, the competition will get a leg up on your marketing efforts!
Guide locals to your events with A-frame signs!

A-frame signs in Gilbert, AZ take on many different forms. Choose your particular style and look with the atmosphere of your store and neighborhood in mind. For example, for frequently-changing daily deals, a dry erase board is a wonderful option. We can fashion an ornate frame for it, which helps you to stand out from the crowd and makes the sign look like a work of art on the sidewalk.

If dabbling with handwritten signage is not to your liking, why not opt for a changeable letter sign? It features a sturdy frame that allows you to update the message with easy-to-insert lettering. Prepare the signs ahead for the entire week, and your staff will make it part of the opening procedure to drop in the update for the A-frame and place it out on the sidewalk for passersby to notice.

Display markers are another great sideway sign for your retail location. This is particularly true when you prepare a weekly or monthly insert that goes out with the mail or newspaper. These inserts advertise the weekly deals, specials and available merchandise. Rather than relying on the A-frame, place these floor-standing markers onto the sidewalk and let shoppers pick up the advertisement. If you include a coupon, it provides a great value-added benefit to the buyer. While you could place these ads inside your store, they are much more effective on the outside to whet shoppers’ appetites.