One of the most versatile advertising tools consists of vinyl lettering. In Chandler, AZ, you see this signage type in a variety of locations. There, it addresses targeted groups of consumers as well as the public in general. What are the top three places to display vinyl lettering for maximum effect?

1. On Vehicles or Vehicle Windows, Lettering Provides Mobile Advertising Solutions

Mobile marketing is a highly effective advertising tool that helps new companies break into established business communities. It also proves to have a significant impact on name recognition and brand awareness building. For the professional whose trade requires travel to customers’ homes, the use of lettering is a vital aspect of neighborhood marketing.

  • Company information. Vinyl lettering displays a company’s name, contact information and business niche explanations on the sides of the vehicle.
  • Niche differentiation. To highlight how you differ from your nearest competitor, consider spelling out a few products or services you offer that may not be available from others in your trade.
  • Motto or tagline. If you include a tagline or slogan as part of your overall advertising, add it to your vehicle lettering package.

For the display of lettering on windows, we recommend the use of perforated vinyl to ensure exterior visibility from the inside of the car, truck or van.

2. On Walls Inside Offices or Businesses, Lettering Inspires and Educates

When customers come to your office or storefront to conduct business, do not forget to use your wall space for marketing, branding and educating. For example, financial institutions master the art and science of inspiring clients to think through their saving and investing strategies before they ever meet with a representative. Using wall lettering to spell out quotes from famous financiers, these companies succeed in setting the mood for business interactions.

You can do the same by inspiring your clients to ready themselves for personal interactions with your professionals. At physicians’ offices, the use of wall lettering is ideal to educate patients on such topics as healthy posture or nutritious eating. You sometimes see these types of wall lettering displays in gyms and other fitness settings as well. Within an office, the repetition of your motto or customer service pledge is a reminder for staff members to excel.

3. Advertise on Business Windows

Do your clients know what your hours of operation are? Do they understand what types of products you offer? Spell out when your store is open, what products you sell and how to get in contact with you after hours. Use this ad tool for seasonal occasions as well as year round. Combine the written word with vinyl graphics that show off your premier product. For a restaurant, this would be the dish that everyone on Yelp and similar rating sites talks about with enthusiasm.

Of course, there are plenty of additional display options and setups. Now that you know where to use vinyl lettering in Chandler, AZ, for the highest impact, contact our graphic artists to discuss the design of your letters. What would you like to spell out?