An A+ School of Excellence, Sonoma Ranch Elementary is part of the Gilbert Public Schools. Looking for new ways to express school spirit, the administration asked our team to design, produce, and install a custom vinyl desk wrap in Gilbert, AZ. While there, we also put together door wraps for entrances and exits. Check it out!
Can I Vinyl Wrap a Desk? Yes, You Can!
Our technicians developed a desk wrap that combines the stallion mascot with the school’s signature deep blue color. We added stripes of black and gray, which are part of the logo colors selected. Incorporating them into the desk wrap’s design shows school spirit, boosts brand recognition, and ensures that the product fits in perfectly with the existing interior decor and color palette.
Wrapping the doors has the advantage of drawing attention to them. Moreover, the ability to add lettering boosts wayfinding assistance for first-time visitors. The colors, once again, reflect the blue, gray, and black tones of the logo. Look closely; you will notice that the door wrap design allows for cutouts and recessed spaces that we integrated into the display. The finished products look excellent and changed the space’s overall ambiance virtually overnight.
Desk Wrap Ideas for Schools and Businesses
Sonoma Ranch Elementary is not the first school that wanted to upgrade its look with a custom vinyl desk wrap. Meridian Elementary in Mesa, which is the home of the Mustangs, requested a custom desk wrap. There, too, we focused attention on the logo as well as the colors used as part of the branding.
It is interesting to note that custom vinyl desk wraps are not just good ideas for schools. Businesses also harness the power that printed vinyl brings to a space to create an attractive addition to the interior decor. When we visited East Valley Golf Carts in Tempe, a vinyl desk wrap matched the wrap used for a wall storage unit. Here, the vinyl ties the room together and presents a visually pleasing showroom backdrop.
Even if you are not looking to integrate brand elements into your desk wrap, you can use it to update your interior decor with a small budget. Design choices are virtually endless, and the printed vinyl is a budget-friendly product with a myriad of uses. In addition to wrapping reception area desks, it is also suitable for covering anything from doors to refrigerators.
Let’s Discuss Your Next Custom Vinyl Desk Wrap
If you have never really thought about adding a desk wrap – or having any other piece of equipment or furniture wrapped – we believe we can show you how these inexpensive products will profoundly impact your office or retail space. Meet with our graphic artist to talk through your options.
Call us today!