Are you effectively using your contractor yard signs? Chandler professionals are revisiting the use of these markers that take your neighborhood advertising campaigns to a whole new level. But some of the professionals in the area are not sure how to get the greatest return on investment from these markers. This is why the professionals at Spotlight Signs and Imaging Solutions have put together this list of frequently asked questions – and their answers.

Q: What are contractor yard signs?

A: These markers display the name of your business, your logo and basic contact information. If your niche is not clear from the name of the business or the logo, a quick niche reference is also included. The goal of this exterior signage solution is to concisely advertise your company.

Q: What do they look like?

A: There are two basic styles: the fence-mounted yard sign and the one that is attached to one or two stakes, which you then press into the soil of the front yard.

Q: Are there different sizes?

A: Yes, there are. The standard marker measures 18 inches by 24 inches and is one-sided. Since these yard signs are usually facing the street, the back is facing the home. Incurring the added expense of imprinting both sides is not usually necessary. If the property is very small, opt for a six-inch by 24-inch marker. For large properties, a 36-inch by 24-inch sign is a good idea.

Q: How do yard signs for Chandler contractors help me to build my brand?

A: The scenario is usually the same. You pull up in front of your client’s home with your work truck of van. Hopefully, you have already added vinyl graphics or decals to your vehicle. This turns the work truck or van into a mobile marketing solution. You are generating name recognition simply by being parked in the neighborhood. Next, you place one or more yard signs into the client’s front yard. They identify your business and create brand awareness in the process. Depending on the scope of the job, this sign will be there for several days or perhaps even weeks. While a standard roofing job may only take three days, a new addition calls for a longer stay. Thus, you are marketing and branding even while you are not actually doing the work.

Q: What is the advantage of adding these signs if I already drive a wrapped vehicle?

A: First and foremost, you advertise even when you are not physically present at the job site. After hours, on weekends and in-between work hours, your advertising message remains in place. Secondly, you actively court word-of-mouth and relationship advertising. For example, your client’s neighbor sees your sign. The neighbor then talks to the client about your work. The client explains your niche, the work you are doing and also expresses satisfaction. This is a classic example of relationship marketing. But it goes further. Let’s say that a few weeks later a resident on the street is looking for a contractor in your niche. Another resident talks about the work done at your client’s home. Although the client is not a part of the conversation, the second resident remembers the sign that you posted in the yard and recalls your company’s name. The first resident is now able to search for you online.