When you need help after your home or business experiences fire, water, storm or mold damage, a call to the Rocky Mountain Restoration team is in order. When the unexpected happens, rely on the contractors who fix it the right way – the first time. When the company’s management team decided to enhance its mobile marketing presence with vehicle wraps and graphics, the members contacted our professionals for assistance.

Fleet Wraps and Graphics for Contractors in Gilbert, AZ

For this project, we treated two box trucks and two Priuses. One of the box trucks displayed old graphics, which our installers removed before preparing the vehicle for the installation of the new products. When putting together the look for the fleet vehicles, the team favored a very clean and simple design that catches the eye because of its attractive minimalism.

Each vehicle displays the company’s red logo and company name in black lettering. Niche-specific information shows in red lettering. A phone number makes contact easy. We added the ROC numbers in black as well. While we treated the box trucks with complete wraps, the Prii received graphics packages. The display of fleet graphics now increases the visibility of the company and enhances prospective customers’ brand awareness.

Harnessing the Branding Potential of Fleet Wraps

You already know that the vast majority of consumers remember the images and messages they have seen on wrapped cars. Studies prove that the cost, per impression, is far lower when commissioning fleet wraps than when investing in newspaper ads or billboard displays. However, did you know that the branding potential of this medium provides you with a fantastic opportunity to have consumers do a double take?

Niche specific images. If you are a plumber, why not design a wrap that looks like pipes being stacked one on the other. For the window installation company, a wrap that consists of a window vista is ideal. In short, use niche-specific images as the backdrops to your fleet wraps. This type of display is highly unusual and, therefore, eye-catching.

Unexpected displays. Jarring the consumer can be a worthwhile undertaking. Commission a wrap that shows the engine under the hood of the car and the gears and inner workings of the vehicle – while someone is sitting in it. By selecting an atypical wrap, you turn heads wherever you go. Folks will go out of their ways to take a closer look at your car – and your marketing message. In the process, you brand your business as being a standout among competitors.

Trendy looks are hip. Right now, it is the Star Wars craze. When this dies down, which is highly unlikely to happen any time soon, it will be something else. By capitalizing on a trendy display, you position your brand as one that is relevant today and tomorrow.

If we have inspired you to commission fleet vehicle wraps and graphics for Gilbert, AZ, contracting businesses or any other type of company, call us to discuss your project. We can help you take mobile marketing to the next level.