When clients take the step to open a first or second location, there is typically some construction that goes on. Property management companies routinely ask their tenants to obscure the sight of an active construction zone. It maintains the visual integrity of the shopping center and supports the overall ambiance. Barricade graphics for malls and construction sites are the solutions.

Case Study: Why I Love Where I Live

This client came to us when their retail space was under construction. The property management company had put up some barriers in front of the location, and the client determined to add barrier wraps that would introduce the incoming business. Of course, there was a bit of a twist.

Barricade Graphics for Malls and Construction Sites

This client needed us to complete the project in just a few days. This included the design, production, and installation. Could we do it? Of course!

Barricade Graphics

We took inspiration for the design from the client’s website. Introducing the bold colors and the unique font was critical. However, we also worked with the client on creating a hashtag that would allow customers to reach out on social media to connect with the company. The result is an eye-catching display of bright, exciting graphics that advertise, build the brand, and generate name recognition.

Arizona Barricade Graphics

And, yes, we took the project from inception to final installation in just a few days.

Who Orders Barricade Graphics in Arizona?

We have already shown that these signage solutions are excellent for covering up temporary plywood barricades placed in front of ongoing construction sites in a shopping center or mall. However, you do not have to limit yourself to using these products only there.

  • Fill vacancies. Developers, real estate professionals, and property management companies like to use construction fence mesh banners that feature architectural renderings of a finished building. It helps fill vacancies by having prospective tenants envision themselves doing business or living in these buildings.
  • Boost foot traffic. Event organizers, too, take advantage of barrier wraps. Municipalities typically require these barriers when temporarily closing streets to accommodate pedestrian activity at a location. In some cases, these barriers advertise attractions and events. It is an excellent method for boosting foot traffic and getting visitors interested ahead of time.
  • Build name recognition. If you operate an incoming business that will be competing with others in a similar niche, you have to hit the ground running. It is never too early to advertise and generate brand awareness. Barricade graphics can start this process. They can also begin a countdown for customers to get ready to enter your store.

Order Your Barricade Graphics with Confidence

Our shop routinely works with clients needing custom barricade graphics for malls and construction sites in Arizona. We can assist you with selecting graphics, incorporating social media connectivity options, and translating your message into eye-catching vinyl graphics that are ideally suited for installation on plywood, concrete, or even window glass. If you already have specs in mind, we can work with them, too.

Call us today to discuss your next graphics project!