Chandler librarians know that children love to explore. Having a child-friendly setup is essential for youngsters to feel at home among books. Besides that, it enables kids to connect their love for exploration with the use of printed materials as well as computer interactions. When the librarians were ready to step up their children’s section, they contacted our sign shop to create some fantastic 3D letters and wall murals in Chandler AZ.
Stunning Murals Create a Bright and Welcoming Atmosphere for Children of All Ages
It is fair to say that this is one of our favorite projects. The friendly folks at the library had a vision that they wanted to express with words and bright colors. It is interesting to note that they fearlessly sought to tie in technology with a love of books and all that it entails.
After we consulted with the City of Chandler, our team got to work on the creation of a colorful mural that immediately attracts the attention of children. There is so much to see and visually explore, that it is not unusual for kids to stand in front of this mural to take in all the different elements. Librarians asked us to include words, images, different languages, and out-of-this-world graphics that spark the imagination.
There are even a growth chart and a selfie station. Near the computers, dimensional letters encourage young visitors to create and play as they learn. Because we wanted to boost the 3D nature of these colorful letters in their playful fonts, we mounted them to a custom-cut board that we then installed to the wall. We repeated this technique with the other three-dimensional letters that we manufactured to go on this wall. They repeat some of the words that you see in the mural, which is a great visual tie-in.
A second mural features a blue sky and a tree that filters sunlight through its canopy. It offers a visual counterpoint to the colorful wall presentation. For kids who prefer a quieter setting and relaxing atmosphere, sitting near this tree creates the illusion of being outside in the park, reading a book. It is an excellent setting for a wonderful library experience that appeals to readers of all ages.
Libraries, Schools, and Daycare Facilities Use Wall Murals to Spark Imagination
Murals are excellent alternatives to traditional wall art. Because children respond so well to bright, bold colors, educational facilities routinely use murals to boost learning and create a welcoming atmosphere. Besides the visuals, there is the ease of cleanup. When children are around, smudges, fingerprints, and spills happen. That is okay. The vinyl is durable, and we treat it with a laminate that makes cleanup a snap. A moist rag is usually enough.
Murals in the Workplace
Of course, murals are not just for kids. In the workplace, they also find plenty of uses.
- Decorative touches. Did you know that there are different types of vinyl to choose from? Some come with slight texturing that might mimic sand or waves. These types of vinyl make excellent substrates to imprint beach or sky scenes. As a result, you add texture, depth, and color play to your space.
- Brand building. When you feature your corporate palette on murals, you help customers build brand knowledge and awareness. Feature lettering in printed form that you might mix with three-dimensional letters for a great creative expression of your corporate persona and commitment to customer satisfaction.
- Employee motivation. Use walls in the employee lounge and other areas to highlight sayings from the company’s founder or corporate motto. It is an excellent opportunity for motivating employees.
Ordering 3D Letters and Wall Murals in Chandler, AZ
Discuss your plans with our graphic artist. We assist you in finding the perfect set of images. Of course, if you already have pictures on hand, we can work with them, too. Contact us today to start the project.