AVI Systems brands its company with an intricate set of logos and lettering. When AVI Systems expanded its local presence, the management team requested brand-centric suite wall and window graphics in Arizona. They tapped us for the project. Our team has plenty of experience designing, producing, and installing vinyl window and wall graphics. However, the challenge was to put together signage that was a perfect color match in any location where it would be installed.

Suite Graphics

For example, we treated three interior windows with translucent vinyl that features the corporate color palette. For the focal wall, we added graphics that display the corporate logo and name. We worked diligently to create the perfect color match. The mission, vision, and values statements repeat the corporate colors and add the logo. The finished products perfectly brand the space and create a visual interest simultaneously. Best of all, the graphics fit in perfectly with the office’s overall interior decor.

Suite Wall and Window Graphics in Arizona

Exploring Branding with Interior Custom Wall and Window Graphics

Interior suite signs are an excellent way for your company to brand an office or retail space, communicate professionalism, and create a cohesive atmosphere. Brand-building does not just happen. Our team frequently works with clients looking for ways to use interior suite signs effectively for branding.

Colors are the obvious first step. We use your brand’s color palette to create consistency throughout the space. The sign colors could reflect your logo, website, and marketing materials. Similarly, we will assist you with selecting fonts that align with your brand’s typography. Consistency in font style reinforces brand identity. However, building brand recognition requires more than prominently displaying your company’s logo in the correct color palette.

Custom Wall and Window Graphics

Did You Know That Materials Also Reflect Brand Values?

It is true! If your business is tech-focused, sleek materials like glass, metal, or acrylic easily represent innovation. Consider wood or brass for a brand that thrives on a traditional appeal. Another good option to explore branding is the integration of textures and finishes. For example, matte finishes feel understated and professional. Glossy or textured finishes point toward luxury or creativity.

You reinforce the brand at every touchpoint by using the same style of signs throughout your office (hallways, conference rooms, restrooms, and individual offices). Remember that this is also possible for mandated signage, such as products complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Function and aesthetics also intertwine to create personalization for different areas. You will notice that our client selected different colors for the window graphics they selected.

Window Graphics in Arizona

When you are looking to transform interior suite signs into functional tools and powerful branding elements, we can help. Contact our team today!