Our team frequently discusses what goes into the design of effective signage. But let’s take a step back. Why does your company need outdoor advertising in the first place? The Sign Research Foundation has offered startling insight into customer behavior related to business signage.

Why Your Business Needs Signs In Phoenix

1. It Comes Down to Wayfinding

According to the specialists, 61% of prospective customers could not locate a business because its signage was ineffective. It is as simple as that. If consumers cannot find, recognize, or read your sign, they might keep driving. Because Phoenix’s commercial landscape is highly competitive, missing out on these prospective sales might mean losing a customer and their repeat business.

Solution: Custom building signs focus attention on your business and brand. Our team fully customizes the signage to encapsulate your branding with products such as custom wood building signs, three-dimensional building letters, and similar products.

Effective Signage

2. Better (or More) Signage Results in More Sales

The experts also note that 60% of companies saw a 10% increase in sales after adding more signs or updating the ones they already had on site. It is no mystery that effective signage engages the customer. In addition to providing a preliminary insight into what you sell, the selection of colors and fonts also creates interest in the brand.

Solution: If you are unsure whether you have sufficient outdoor advertising signs, invite our team to visit you for a site survey. Some clients have found that while their building signs are excellent, they lack signage that catches the eye at the street level. Something as simple as a new monument sign can make a tremendous difference.

Outdoor Advertising

3. Effective Signage Tickles Curiosity and Piques Interest

Research has shown that 36% of polled American customers say they visited a new store simply because they were impressed or intrigued by the quality of its signage. Aside from wayfinding and branding, good-quality signage contributes to your company’s overall professional image. This is particularly important to incoming businesses joining the Phoenix’s commercial landscape.

Solution: Exterior sign packages are an excellent option for turning heads and creating an interest in your products or services. Our team customizes the package with your signage needs in mind. Popular combinations include building signs and front door graphics.

Businesses Need Signs

4. Excellent Outdoor Advertising Signs Stay in Step With Changing Times

Businesses saw a 16% increase in their weekly sales after they “made one major and two minor changes to exterior signs.” For some clients, staying in step with changing times means rebranding. These changes can be as small as a font or color change. For others, it is the design of a whole new sign. But what can you do if you are happy with your brand’s current look?

Solution: Expand your signage setup with vehicle wraps. Restaurants may add food truck wraps, while dry cleaners get attention with van graphics or wraps. If you already advertise with vehicle graphics, consider making some changes or additions to the wraps.

Effective outdoor signage does not happen by accident. Work with our team to get the signs that bring attention to your brand. Call us today to schedule a design appointment!