Our team saved the Naturopathic Physicians Group money with custom refurbished signage in Scottsdale, AZ. How much money could we save your business by doing something similar?

Refurbished Signage In Scottsdale AZ
Before the Refurbishing

What is Sign Refurbishing?

Refurbishing a sign means restoring or updating an existing product to improve its appearance, functionality, or durability without completely replacing it. Possible steps involve cleaning, repainting, repairing structural elements, replacing lighting (or retrofitting to energy-efficient LEDs), or updating graphics and lettering.

Refurbishing your sign aims to give it a fresh, contemporary look while maintaining its original structure and purpose. It extends the sign’s lifespan at a lower cost than creating a new sign.

Clients may choose to refurbish when a sign shows wear and tear but is still fundamentally sound.

In this way, refurbished signage is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to total sign replacement.

Refurbished Sign
After the Refurbishing

Case Study: Naturopathic Physicians Group

Located at 9200 East Raintree Drive, the Naturopathic Physicians Group treats patients’ unique needs naturally and holistically. The client had an excellent signage setup that was difficult to see, even from just a few feet away. All this signage setup needed was refurbishing through cleaning and repainting. Our technicians assisted the client in selecting the right color palette, removed the style elements, painted them, and replaced the product. The difference between the old and new signage display is stunning.

Custom Refurbished Signage In Scottsdale AZ
Before the Refurbishing

Why Should You Consider Refurbishing a Sign Rather Than Replacing It?

The best reason is the savings. Refurbishing is often much less expensive than buying a new sign. We can refresh the look without the expense of a complete replacement. Dimensional letters can be repainted, and only the facings of lightbox cabinets need to be replaced.

Refurbishing reduces waste and helps the environment. Reusing materials means less landfill space, and fewer resources, are used to manufacture new signs, which is a significant consideration for many clients.

Others like that refurbishing is typically faster than creating a new sign from scratch, minimizing downtime for your business. Our team can easily update your sign’s design, colors, or information to reflect new branding, business hours, or promotions without starting over completely.

Refurbished Signage In Scottsdale
After the Refurbishing

However, before deciding on custom refurbished signage in Scottsdale and the surrounding areas, invite our team to come by for a site survey. We will evaluate your sign and determine if it is a good candidate for refurbishing. Our technicians can show you what needs to be repaired or replaced to keep the product in place. We can also show you what it would cost to replace the sign versus refurbishing it. You make the final decision when you have all the facts.

Call us today to schedule an appointment!