Connecting with the consumer on a deeper level is an excellent way to ensure that s/he will come back time and again. Business owners do this with the help of their brand messages. Not surprisingly, companies agonize over the looks of their signage, color palette, and font selection. But did you know that vehicle graphics in Gilbert, AZ, are excellent methods for getting out this brand message?

1. Lettering Supports Name Recognition

The font you select makes your letters stand out from those of a competitor. Some businesses are so successful with their font choice that a consumer only has to look at one letter and already know what company is presenting the product. This level of success depends in part on your font choice and in part on your ability to display the message repeatedly and in such a manner that the consumer takes notice. We suggest placing the lettering with your company’s information on the doors of the vehicle, the hood, and the back whenever possible. Another great option is the presentation of a perforated vinyl display for the rear car window.

2. Logos Boost Brand Recognition

The look of your logo, its style elements, and its color palette make a huge impact on your brand’s overall recognition. When combined with the lettering, this effect should be nothing short of remarkable. For this reason, the majority of business owners place their lettering and logos close together as a marketing and branding one-two punch. Show off the combined information as a spot graphic or as a graphics and lettering display on the sides and back of the vehicle.

3. Expand on Your Brand Message with Detailed Company Information

Options include your website, social media icons, telephone number, a tagline, and a niche explanation that spells out exactly what you do. The latter is invaluable if your name and logo do no readily reveal your line of business. It is not enough for the consumer to recognize your colors, font, and logo; s/he also needs to know what you sell or do. The presentation of this information enhances product knowledge, which becomes part of your brand message. As you can see, all these style elements must connect for best results. We typically suggest putting a graphics package together in the form of a full or partial wrap. Doing so gives you the most artistic freedom to get in all the information you want without cutting corners or leaving out anything.

4. Vehicle Graphics Make a Brand Message Memorable

This, of course, brings us to the ability to remember your vehicle graphics in Gilbert, AZ. Studies conducted by 3M, the maker of the vinyl film we use to print graphics for vehicles, prove that 95 percent of people remember the graphics they see. This number presents an extraordinarily high retention rate for a short exposure to a brand communication. You will be hard-pressed to imitate this result with other forms of advertising.

If we have piqued your interest to learn more about the ways vehicle graphics and branding go hand in hand, contact our vinyl design experts today!