Contractors frequently have more than one vehicle on the roads. Not surprisingly, many are taking advantage of mobile marketing in its various forms. Here are some examples of contractor fleet graphics that you can currently see around town.

1. Vehicle Lettering Introduces Express Facility Management

Contractor fleet graphics in Phoenix AZ

Fleet graphics for contractors in Phoenix AZ

This company was looking for a budget-friendly way to treat its trucks. Because they consisted of Ford F150 and Chevy Silverado vehicles, the client was looking for something that would allow for a cohesive presentation despite the differences in the truck models. Our technicians designed, fabricated, and installed custom-colored letters that feature aspects of the corporate color palette. They present the core details, such as the name and contact information.

2. Matching Truck and Utility Trailer Wraps Benefit Zippity Split Plumbing

Contractor fleet graphics in Chandler AZ

This client likes to use a trailer when a project requires workers to transport extensive tools and material options. The client commissioned a matching set of wraps to make sure that its brand shines through whenever the vehicles are on the road. You will notice that they feature the corporate persona and contact details.

In addition, the trailer shows full-color photos of some projects the client takes on and offers the firm’s appointment guarantee. Now, the client can hook up this trailer to any of their trucks and have a brand-focused marketing message with added advertising.

3. An Updated Graphics Package Identifies Crawford Mechanical Services

Fleet Graphics for Contractors in Gilbert AZ

This HVAC firm has been in business for a while. When it rebranded its appearance, the fleet vehicle graphics had to follow suit. Our technicians assisted with the changes to the graphics layout, which included moving the logo and adding a stylish stripe along the cabs of the vehicles. The new display changes the appearance of the vehicles and succeeds in meeting the firm’s rebranding goal.

4. Adding Vehicle Graphics to Each New Truck Works for William Jackson

Examples of contractor fleet graphics

Box Truck Graphics for Fleets in Gilbert AZ

This kitchen and bath specialist occasionally adds new vehicles to its fleet. Recently, they added a truck and box truck. We treated these vehicles with the specs that we still had on file from the other work the client had ordered. You will notice that the trucks have a slightly different set of graphics, even though their displays are cohesive. The uses of colors, fonts, and angles allow for similarities, which support brand-building. The larger vehicle capitalizes on the space by creating a more significant color differentiation.

Where to Buy Your Vehicle Graphics

You have seen the examples of contractor fleet graphics our shop has done for companies in the area. What could we do for your business? If you already have a set of vehicle graphics but are unsure that they are as effective as they need to be, we can help. Allow our technicians to check out what you currently have and perhaps suggest some upgrades.

If you never had any vehicle graphics or wraps done, we can do them for you now. No matter how many vehicles are part of your fleet, we can help. Our shop serves contractors in and around Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale, and Phoenix, AZ. Call us today to schedule a design appointment!